Writer. NYC.

Organizing is Big In Japan. And the UK. And Canada. And Australia....

Organizing is Big In Japan. And the UK. And Canada. And Australia....

What's Danshari? Danshari is the subtractive solution. Ultimate selection of goods. What's important is you, not your stuff. Focus on this moment. Don't pile up things on the table top! Shut them out at the entrance. Open up the exit, dispose and recycle. Space leads to genuine affluence, affluence draws more space. (excerpt from the translated text beneath the video.)

Guess what? I’m big in Japan.

Ok, maybe not me, Rascher Marie Alcasid.

The organizing / simple lifestyle ethos and home organizing industry is on the rise around the world. I’ve noticed a bit of international love on my twitter feed with organizing colleagues all over the world giving Tame Space a shout out every now and then. That was a few years ago and now it's getting a little easier to explain what I do when someone asks me what I do for a living.

In Japan, it’s called Danshari. Sounds more firm and to the point than org-an-aye-zawr. They even have a guru like cleaning consultant (professional organizer) named Marie Kondo whose book has been released here in the US. I'm guessing she is as popular in Japan as James Wallman is in the UK, the trend forecaster who wrote Stuffocation (Guardian review). Or perhaps we should look to Australia, who gave us Peter Walsh, Oprah's organizer.

There are quite a few popular lifestyle minimalists in the U.S. and I find them to all have a nice presentation of ideas to coax people into simpler lifestyles. See my favorites here. But I think they form a level of help that is good for one segment of the population that is having trouble unloading extra stuff. I certainly go there for a boost in motivation when I am struggling with what to get rid of after the holidays (typically a high time of acquisition for my family, despite my best efforts to avoid spoiling the kids.)

I find there are some people who need a face to face encounter with someone who can bring in a fresh outlook and ideas and provide a way to be accountable for changes that need to be made. I'm grateful for that since I am able to make a living helping people do something I really feel will improve their lives.

Have you found any inspiring organizing ideas on the web or in a book that you'd recommend?

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