Writer. NYC.

The Simple Life in Picture Books

The Simple Life in Picture Books

Detail from Where The Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak. All photos by Rascher Marie Alcasid.

Detail from Where The Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak. All photos by Rascher Marie Alcasid.

I have been reading picture books to my kids nearly every day for the past six years. What have I got to say for it that relates to Tame Space?

Plenty, it turns out. I am always soothed by the simplicity of the homes and children's rooms depicted in picture books. At the end of the day at my house, there are sometimes epic messes. I find it rather comforting to dive into those illustrations during our bedtime routine than to look around my own home.

​Detail from Corduroy by Don Freeman.

​Detail from Corduroy by Don Freeman.

Have you noticed how sweet and quiet material culture is in picture books? There just isn't a lot of stuff around to distract the reader from focusing on the subject of the story. Maybe our homes could use an edit so that people don't lose sight of the true subject matter of our lives amidst all our belongings. Maybe we ought to place ourselves front and center in our homes instead of what we scored at Costco last weekend.

Maybe the story of who we are would come clearer to ourselves and others if we only surround ourselves with the things that support what we love to do and how we truly want to live.

This must be the strangest post ever found in a home organization blog, but I am the type of person who sees inspiration everywhere and everyday - and am proud to share it.

​Detail from Pancakes for Breakfast by Tomie dePaola.

​Detail from Pancakes for Breakfast by Tomie dePaola.

​Detail from Brianna, Jamaica, and the Dance of Spring by Juanita Havill.

​Detail from Brianna, Jamaica, and the Dance of Spring by Juanita Havill.

Detail from ​How Many Stars in the Sky? by Lenny Hort

Detail from ​How Many Stars in the Sky? by Lenny Hort

'Making Room' in New York City

'Making Room' in New York City

Confessions of a Cookbook Hoarder

Confessions of a Cookbook Hoarder