Writer. NYC.

Changing Your Website Outfit

Changing Your Website Outfit

Lately I've felt the need to refresh this website. Nothing was wrong with the old site. It just felt kind of like that outfit you love and wear a little too often until one day you just aren't into it anymore.

But when you're juggling a family, work, book writing, personal goals and a full calendar it's hard to fully focus on completing one task at a time. Sometimes I think it just takes me a long time to do things compared to other people. Or perhaps because I'm harried and wanting to do too much in one day I lose focus quickly.

After noodling around with many Squarespace templates, I finally found one that I liked and had all the features I wanted. Since I want to be able to blog more casually and more frequently, I had to write a lot of content the last few months. I have so much to share about self improvement, life in New York City, places I've been and wisdom I've gleaned from working with the amazing people who are my clients.

So expect to hear from me a whole lot more than ever!

And welcome to my new outfit. Most of my other content is the same with a few tweaks here and there and a white, bright look. 

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day!

In the New Year, Whisper the Resolutions and Share Your Routines

In the New Year, Whisper the Resolutions and Share Your Routines