Writer. NYC.

When Your Stuff Gets in the Way

When Your Stuff Gets in the Way


Has this ever happened to you?

You realize it's been a while since you looked at pictures of your grandmother. It bothers you that since she died you cannot remember her face as clearly as you used to. You long to see her face. Even though your day is hectic, you find a moment to go the closet where you keep the snapshots in a box on a high shelf.

You open the closet door. Not only is it so full that you can not step inside to reach that box, a few things fall out. You realize that in the past few months, the closet has gotten out of hand. You need to clear the stuff off the closet floor. Then you need to get the heavy footstool to reach the box of snapshots.

The footstool is in the the living room. It has 4 tablecloths, neatly folded, stacked on top of it. The ones you've been meaning to give away. Where should these go?

It was so simple.


All you wanted to do was to see your grandmother's face. Now, it's become too cumbersome. You give up, because you need to leave for an appointment. The things that fell out of the closet when you opened it get thrown back in. You shut the closet door quickly before they slide back out.

You think to yourself you need to clean out the closet and you will donate those tablecloths. Then you will look at your grandmother's face everyday because you will frame your favorite picture one of her, the one where she is kissing the two year old you, in front a wall of jasmine.


From Watching Hoarders To Helping Them

From Watching Hoarders To Helping Them

In a Film, a Home I Love

In a Film, a Home I Love